Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Allen Iverson Is Officially Retired

After 14 seasons, 10 All Star gets, a Rookie Of The Year and MVP nab, and 4 scoring titles 1 finals appearance, and no NBA championships, "The Answer" is... he's finally calling it quits. Iverson decided to hang up his Reebok's this year before even making it to the All Star break (which I'm sure he would've accumulated his 11th All Star jersey), ending his career as a Memphis Grizzly. Iverson will best remembered for his undeniable ability to score, his cheetah like speed and agility, most likely one of the most unstoppable crossovers ever, and for doing what no other athlete has done, KEEPING IT HOOD ON AND OFF THE COURT. No one has revolutionized basketball like Iverson since Michael Jordan, and no one ever will again. See you in the hall of fame.

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