Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Mario Interview!!!!

Peep This New Mario Interview He goes In depth about his Moms Herion ADDICTION AND HIS ALBUM TITLE.

MSN Music: Why is the album called "D.N.A.?"

Mario: I feel like sometimes my image is caught up in just music and not so much who I am as a person. With the title "D.N.A.," I'll be able to tell my story more. I never really told this story: When my mother was giving birth to me, they almost lost me a couple of times. They had to go through so many procedures to make sure while I was inside her, that my heart was still beating and that I was still alive.

You were a fighter.

That's what the doctor said: "There's something in his DNA." My mother would tell me this story, and I'd go, "Oh, wow." But now it has a deeper meaning to me than it did when I was younger.
Props to
To See rest of the interview

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